Year 4

Welcome to Year 4! The adults in our class are Miss Johnson, Miss Khanom and Miss Mitchell. This half term, our topic is Meet the Flintstones where we will look at the Stone, Bronze and Iron ages. We will be focusing on writing instructions and a balanced argument. We are finishing our Fractions topic soon and moving onto Decimals in Maths. In Science, our new topic is Electricity where the children will look at what electrical energy is, how to stay safe and how to build and draw a circuit.

See What We’ve Been Up To

  • This week we have had a big focus on sustainability. The children used willow “withies” to design a hoop and make a pledge to the planet. They also went to the park to learn all about nature and the environment.
  • We have also started learning our Class Assembly script and song. This surrounds their topic of Oceania with a focus on sustainable living and helping to fight against climate change.







Star of the Week

This week, Zach is the star of the week! He reached 25/25 on his MTC after many weeks of hard work both at home and in school and has regularly attended the morning booster sessions! Well done we’re all very proud!


(Due Wednesday  15th May)

Visit Google Classroom

Please click the link to access your homework for your subjects.

Latest news and notices:

  • Thursday 16th May 2024 – Year 4’s Class Assembly
  • Tuesday 21st May 2024 – Trip to Kenwood House (letter will go out after Easter)
  • First 2 weeks of June – MTC (Multiplication Tables Check) – Passmark – approx.. 21/25


